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Puppy Care for Longevity


Puppy Care for Longevity

When getting a new puppy, the most important consideration is how to care for it from a young age so that he or she can lead a long, happy and healthy life.

Puppy care does not always include the same actions as caring for a mature dog, in part because puppies have different needs than adult dogs, but also because a new puppy owner has to think about puppy care and training.

How to Care for Your Puppy so it Lives a Long and Healthy Life

1. Take your puppy to the vet on day one

Puppy careMake an appointment at the veterinarian’s as soon as you get your new puppy, or make the appointment in advance if you know when you are picking it up.

It’s an important part of your puppy’s care that your vet performs a full wellness check and gives your puppy the immunizations that he or she needs to stay healthy. Your vet can detect potential developmental or other health problems which you can better address if found early on, and also provide insights into breed-specific needs.

2. Pick puppy food that’s designed for growth

Your puppy care regiment should start with the right food for your pup. Growing puppies need a lot of nutrients to form strong bones and joints (as a matter of fact, puppies grow extremely quickly – from tiny to full-size in just two years).

They also have a lot of energy, so they need enough fuel to allow them to run and play to their heart’s content. There are several excellent dog food brands out there that are designed especially for puppies, but also for different breeds.

Large breed puppies grow especially fast, and if their nutritional needs aren’t met, there is a chance of them developing hip dysplasia and other developmental orthopedic diseases. Learn what dietary needs your dog requires, such as high protein, no grain and so forth, and then find foods that are healthy and balanced for your puppy. Check out our best puppy food information article here.

Puppy with her mother

3. Make a point of training your puppy early

Trained puppies are generally happier puppies, and this goes for their owners as well. This is because dogs are very much pack animals, and training a puppy inherently means showing him or her the appropriate place in the family hierarchy. Once they realize they must obey you, they feel at peace and are happy with the social order.

Conversely, a “spoiled” puppy that thinks it can dominate members of the household, will feel confused when he or she doesn’t get what it wants with those family members. Your puppy care and training go hand in hand, in that training your pup allows you to form a strong bond with them. It also keeps your pup physically and mentally fit, not to mention it can provide a clean environment (being house trained should be your first priority).

A well trained puppy should come when you call, sit, and know to chew on chew toys rather than your furniture. You should also train your pup not to pull on its leash on walks or run after other dogs or small animals without your consent. These are only a few basic training exercises you can teach your puppy – from there, the sky’s the limit!

Puppy with sign

4. Keep your puppy safe from household hazards

This puppy care tip sounds like it should come naturally to new dog owners, but most don’t realize how easily their pup can get injured, and how quickly. (See our article about household items that could kill your dog.)

Puppies who are allowed to roam a fenced-in backyard should wear clip collars that pop open if it gets snagged on a branch or another strong object to prevent strangulation. Likewise, owners should make sure that there is no sharp or dangerous object in their yard before letting their puppy out.

Install safety gates on doors that lead outside to make sure your puppy doesn’t run away into a busy street. Always remove frayed or damaged chew toys to prevent choking. These are only a few puppy care safety tips that all puppy owners must be aware of. Every new puppy owner should do some research to see which other tips apply to their pup and environment.

5. Make sure your puppy gets plenty of exercise

Puppy with safe collar

Puppies (and adult dogs, as well) need regular daily exercise. This will help them grow and will keep their muscles and hearts strong.

Exercise helps cross both puppy care and training off the list, as you can use exercise to train your puppy in many different ways. Long walks are a good way of exercising and training your puppy, but you can also engage in tug-of-war type play, Frisbee catch or ball tossing and fetching, obstacle course training, or any other healthy activity that you and your pup enjoy doing together.

Exercising also helps ensure that your dog won’t feel the need to spend his or her pent-up energy chewing on inappropriate objects or destroying your home.


Keeping your puppy healthy and allowing him or her to have a long and happy life involves a lot of attention, puppy care and love.

Whenever in doubt it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian or dog trainer, or even research the internet for some puppy care training tips and answers to various questions you might encounter along the way.

As long as you choose good nutritional foods (and feeding amounts), take your pup to the vet regularly, keep him or her safe, and keep a good training and exercise regimen, your puppy should grow into a well-adjusted, healthy dog that will share many happy years with you.

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