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How Much Exercise Does a Dog Really Need?


How important is exercise to your dog? How much exercise does a dog really need? These are important questions you should ask before designing an exercise regimen for your dog. While each dog is different, make no mistake – all dogs need exercise. It is a key component to their health and well-being. Along with a nutritional and balanced diet, exercise is the best way to fight obesity in dogs. Unfortunately, nearly 30% of the dogs in the United States fight through or deal with obesity today. As a matter of fact, obesity has become one of the biggest medical issues that modern dogs face.

Useful facts about how much exercise your dog really needs.

1. At least Two Times a Day

Dogs need to exercise more than once a day – note, this is much greater than human needs! Most pet professionals, trainers and vets recommend that you make sure that your dog gets exercise at least twice a day. Two sessions of safe, healthy exercise is good for almost all dogs. Not one size fits all, as the old saying goes, and no two dogs are the same. Obviously puppies have more pent up energy, for example, and they need more frequent exercise and energy outlets. But a good starting point is two sessions of exercise for your dog each and every day, with intensity depending on breed and personality. Read more below.

2. 15 to 45 minutes based on size, breed, age, weight and energy level

dog exercisingNext we get to the question of how long each exercise session for your dog should last. There can be too much of a good thing, and heat frustration, pulled muscles, even injuries can occur if you over exert and exercise your dog too much. Obviously the timespan for exercise sessions is going to differ from dog to dog.

An older dog that is obese cannot possibly exercise as much as a young, fit dog. The rule of thumb in general, however, based on the health of your dog, is 15 to 45 minutes per exercise session. But remember dogs are different. Bigger dogs, for example, have a slower metabolism and require more exercise than more hyper smaller breeds for example. If you have any questions or suspect that your dog can’t handle this much, it is always best to consult your vet before sticking to this schedule very rigidly.

3. Don’t forget mental exercise

dog playing fetchMuscles and aerobics and cardiovascular exercises are not the only types of activities that your dog needs to stay happy and healthy. When asking the important question How Much Exercise Does a Dog Need do not forget mental exercise. Dogs need mental stimulation – challenges, missions, “play fighting,” the feeling of seeking something, are all inherent canine needs. It helps with their cognitive functions, and fights off depression and anxiety that can build up from being alone for a long time. As part of your exercise regimen, make sure to exercise your dog’s mind on a daily basis. You can find dog toys and dog feeders that exercise a dog’s cognitive functions. Or be creative and come up with your own games! Playing hide-and-seek a treat is a timeless classic.

4. Playing and Exercise can be One and the Same

dog playingExercise with your dog doesn’t have to be work. In fact it should be fun, a bonding experience for you and your dog. Playing simple games of fetch, catch, or a tug of war all involve exercise. Dogs need to be entertained and engaged when they are exercised or, like people, they will grow to dislike that which seems too much like work. Even a simple walk or jog with your dog constitutes exercise, and can be a fun thing to do (spice things up throwing the occasional stick for it to fetch).

5. Don’t Overwork your Dog

dog lifting weightsRemember, most dogs are always wearing a fur coat, even if it is a short hair dog. Regardless of whether or not your dog is a hairless breed, you must monitor your pet as you exercise to make sure that they don’t get overheated, tired, pant too much, or too wound up. When dogs wind up in an adrenalin-fueled frenzy, they can lose sensitivity to pain and hurt themselves. The last thing you want is to harm or injure your dog by overworking her or him. Strict rest periods of at least 15-30 minutes should follow each and every exercise session so that your dog has time to recover, rejuvenate, and reflect on the bonding time.

6. Don’t forget Hydration

Always, always make sure that your dog has ample access to plenty of fresh, clean water, and let the animal stop to get a drink as frequently as he or she needs. Hydration is exceptionally important to a dog, especially when they are exercising or partaking of any strenuous physical activity.


There is no set answer to how much exercise a dog needs, but dogs do need regular exercise generally twice daily, with rest in between. Exercise should be fun, mentally and physically stimulating. Just make sure, based on age, size, and other unique factors, that your dog exercises at least twice a day for durations that push the dog, but that don’t push the animal too hard too often.

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