If you own a dog or find yourself taking care of one, there are some basic dog care needs that you need to know. Like humans, dogs need proper nutrition, attention and affection, and basic hygiene standards. These are things that help make a dog happy and healthy over a lifespan, fight off diseases, disorders, and even the harmful effects of natural aging.
Dogs need a lot of TLC, but there are also some simple, basic dog care tips that can help you keep your pooch fit and happy.
Of course, dogs also need advanced dog care from time to time, and that is what your veterinarian is for. You need to always make routine trips to the vet for regular check-ups. But these basic dog care needs will help you maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle for your dog in general, keeping him or her fit, neat and trim, hygienic, and up to date on basic medical needs.
Read on for useful tips to brush up on your dog care skills.
Even more so than humans, perhaps, dogs need regular grooming. Nails can get too long if not regularly trimmed, getting tangled and caught in things, endangering your dog or simply causing them unneeded pain. Regular baths are needed to keep away skin irritations, fleas and ticks and other vermin that can infect your dogs with diseases such as anemia or Rickettsia diseases (https://wagwalking.com/condition/rickettsial-infection) which are diseases transmitted by arthropods such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which can be deadly. Hair should be brushed so that it doesn’t get matted or tangled. Dogs need regular hygienic care as part of their basic dog care. This isn’t just to look good, but so that they feel great too.
Feeding your dog requires more than just dumping a can or some dry food in a bowl. You need to get some simple education and do some research on diet and nutritional value for dogs as part of your pet’s basic dog care. Read the ingredients of the food before you give it to your dog. Ingredients like corn and corn syrup can make dogs obese over time. BHA and BHT, used often as preservatives, can lead to kidney problems or even cause cancer. Also, some human foods are bad for your dog. Chocolate can be fatal, in fact, if too much is ingested (http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+1659&aid=1030). So simply put, learn about what you are feeding your dog, as you would your own child.
Between 25-30% of dogs in the United States are obese or will become obese each year. That is a staggering number and can literally shave years off of your dog’s life span. It also can add to arthritis problems, cause joint pain or even cause back and hip problems. Regular, routine exercise, along with a balanced and nutritious diet, will keep your dog fit and trim. You need to monitor how much you exercise your dog and how often, but finding a healthy, safe regiment is integral to good health in dogs. Most vets and pet professionals recommend twice daily exercise sessions of 15 to 45 minutes (based on a dog’s size, weight, age, etc.). Exercise is one of the most important basic health care needs that you will need to take care of.
Vaccinations, vitamins and supplements
Many people these days buy vaccinations and give them to dogs themselves. There is nothing wrong with this, if you know what you are doing, educate yourself, and buy the vaccinations from a trusted source. But make no mistake, there are vaccinations (like rabies shots for example) that must be administered every so often, and to keep your dog healthy you must keep up to date on vaccinations. Also, as dogs age they travel through stages in their lives, and they need more or less of certain nutrients. Puppies, for example, grow tremendously so they need a lot of protein. Older dogs often need extra Glucosamine and Chondroitin to help with their joints. It is important, as part of your dog’s basic health care, to make sure they get all of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients they need.
Don’t Forget the Teeth!
Dogs have dental needs to. In fact, just take a look at their teeth and you can see how important they are. Dog’s teeth are not that much different to the teeth of people in regards to needing care. They need to be cleaned and monitored for cavities. And yes, you can brush your dog’s teeth regularly with simple water, which will help with dental maintenance, fighting cavities and even with dog breath. One thing dogs need as part of their basic dog care is to keep their teeth sharp. This is where safe chew toys and chewy treats can help dogs maintain their own teeth.
In Summary
Every dog has certain basic dog care needs. Mostly these needs revolve around proper nutrition, exercise and hygiene. There will always be more advanced health care needs that your veterinarian will simply have to take care of throughout your dog’s life, but by regularly taking care of basic dog care needs, your dog is more likely to live a happy, healthy and full life. Don’t forget, too, that dogs are social animals, so they will always need your attention, love and affection as well.