So you are a pet-parent and think that little pup of yours is all clingy and attached? Or is he, true to his soul, good old-mama’s (or daddy’s) dog?
Though there is a very thin line of difference between overly-attached and being the parent’s-boy, here are some of the signs that will help you identify if he is the latter.
1. You will find him sleeping on your shoulder:
Does he cuddle with you while you guys are sleeping?
I mean he sleeps on you like literally your hand or shoulder. Once in a while, you will find him even snuggling up your face when you are deep in sleep.
Not to forget, they literally own a part of your bed-their own corner.
2. Their favorite mode of transportation- the “hooman”
Well, they can walk on their own to the grocery store but, they would just love to take a ride on your arms –because they have been given the privilege to do so by their mama (or daddy).
3. They are simply going to chew your shoe:
Well you know he the mama’s boy when you have bought the whole toy store for him and yet, the only thing he loves to play with is your stuff- your shoes, maybe even your clothes once a while.
They somehow love to play with that stinky human stuff but, I guess for dogs, that is true love.
However, if your dog continuously chews on stuffs, you need to see your vet immediately.
4. He keeps running back:
So you take them to play with other dogs at a park or are at a party someplace. And despite all the company and attention–he is getting, the only thing he will do is keep coming back to you for some affection.
5. The excitement when you get home:
So you are back from work and the only thing you see your dog do is running around and jumping up to you.
Then they will run around a bit more in a storm like manner and come and settle down with you.
Ever wondered where that energy came from? Well from the sight of you.
Love at its best!–and you know that you have a mama’s boy at hand.
6. The distance between you and your dog- just enough for the passage of oxygen:
This one is the strongest sign that your dog is the absolute mama’s boy- he will simply have to be on you. Stuck like glue.
7. He will accompany you to the loo:
He will follow with you wherever you go around the house including the bathroom.
His expectation- even if he can’t walk into the toilet with you, you will have to keep the door open for him a bit.
8. He gets anxious without you around:
He has his eyes on you all the time around the house or wherever you take him out. If he does not see you, he will probably get all panicky.
9. He fights for attention:
Really this one- if you have another pet in the house, he will make sure that no matter what happens the spotlight is on him.
Meaning he gets the biggest hugs, the most cuddles, and the best treats.
Now that is selfish- but, then again, what’s going on in his mind is “I am the cutest”.
10. Expecting to be pampered all the time.
This last one is your fault really, I mean accept it- you take your pooch shopping, give him new clothes, make him pose for the family pictures and you expect that he will not be a spoilt asking you to give him treats all the time?
Expecting to be pampered with treats- just establishes the fact that your dog is a mama’s dog.
If your dog shows at least half of these signs, know that your canine furry baby is purely a mama’s (or daddy’s) dog who is absolutely loyal with very high degrees of attachment to you.
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Nasifa Sultan. She works at Feedfond as a full-time content writer. She herself is a Mamma of a cute little Shih Tzu which is a completely Mamma dog and this very article is a reflection of her personal experience with her dog.